Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

When will I see results?

The amount of time before results appear will vary due to a variety of factors, such as age, number of sessions per week, severity of postural issues, and individual completion of exercises. For most people, significant change will occur between 3-6 months of consistent weekly sessions, and for more complex cases, in up to two years. Progress is recorded via photos, videos, and individual reports and measurements.

How long is a session?

Sessions are typically between 45 minutes to 1 hour.

What should I wear to a session?

Please wear a fitted top or sports bra that allows the curvature of the spine and shoulders to be seen, and gym pants or shorts. Sessions may require bare feet or sneakers depending on exercise.

How do virtual sessions work?

Virtual Personal Training is often easier for busy people than in-person training, as no gym is needed and there is less barrier to leaving the house…and with unlimited nutrition texting and questions, it is much easier to stick with nutrition goals. Be happily surprised- we get amazing results and have a great time!

How much does Personal Training cost?

Training is $175/week for 1 hour sessions weekly sessions. Training + Unlimited nutrition texting is $250/week. Packaged deals for multiple sessions are available.

Where are you located?

At this time, we are available for limited in-person sessions in Westchester County and New York City (NYC). We are able to travel for workshops.